Builders of eternity

Du 20 au 24 octobre 2021

During the autumn vacations, from October 20 to 24 and October 27 to 31, for the price of admission to the Abbey Church, come and discover the site in a different way. In conjunction with the temporary exhibition “Bâtisseurs” (Builders), Lumen Créations presents the show “Bâtisseurs de l’éternité” (Builders of Eternity), performed by the Lausanne-Renens Circus School. The show retraces the building history of the Abbey Church from the Middle Ages to its recent restoration. All movement and elevation, it will take you on a journey through time.

5 performances a day at 10:30, 12:00, 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30.

(Performance in French)

Lundi 1er juillet 2024, le dormitorium sera fermé. Le reste du parcours de découverte restera accessible aux visiteurs comme d’habitude.